1. What is Advocates Guard Professional Indemnity Insurance policy?
The policy provides financial protection to Lawyers for loss caused by their negligent act, error or omission.
It covers claimant’s cost and Damages and Insured’s defence costs.
2. Who should take the cover?
- A law firm who has been in legal practice for a period exceeding 2 years.
- If sole practitioner, a lawyer who has been in practice for more than 5 years.
3. What are the key extensions under the policy?
- Court Attendance extension.
- Extended reporting period.
- Loss of Documents.
4. What are the most common claim scenarios in Advocate Guard Professional Indemnity Policy?
- Breach of professional duty
- Fraud/theft of client money by law firm employees.
- Loss of Client’s documents in the custody of law firm
- Defamation
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